A Complete Guide for Global Entry Name Change – Faressaver

Changing Names, Changing Borders: A Guide to Global Entry Name Change

There are so many times when people need to change their name in Global Entry. No matter whether you are married or underwent a gender identity transition. When you want to change your name on the global entry card, then there are some significant rules and things that you need to know. You must apply for a legal name change. Whenever you are going to travel, then you must match all the documents, such as your passport and frequent flyer account, for the Global Entry Card. This is the ultimate guide to changing the Global Entry name. Follow the above steps.

Appointment to Change Your Name with Global Entry –

Now, the next question is about the appointment. Is it required to get an appointment to change your name with Global Entry? Always keep in mind that the process time for the Global Entry Application is long, and that’s why the waiting period for the new application is extended. However, for the name change, you don’t need to go through all these things again.

Changing your name for global entry is easy and fast for the applicant, and they don’t need to make an appointment to change their name. The first thing is choosing the business hours to visit the enrollment centre, making sure to carry your new passport as the supporting document of the legal name change, and also having the original Global Entry card. Now, verify your entry. You can also call the nearest enrollment centre to find out the list of all documents required for the Global Entry name change.

Whenever you are coming back from any international trip, check the enrollment centre at the arrival airport. Here, you can complete the name change process as a walk-in and get conditional approval. However, make sure that you have all the required documents.

Things to Know About Global Entry Name Change Process

We all know that Global Entry is known for low-risk travellers, and that’s why it is important to keep your identity up to date. Whenever you change your legal name, make sure that you update the name changes in the Global Entry Card for smooth and hassle-free travel before going on your next trip.

1. The first step is updating your passport information.

2. Login to your Trusted Traveler Program Account.

3. Select “Update Documents”.

4. Select “Update Passport”.

5. Click on “Edit Personal Information.”

6. Upload the supporting document.

7. Submit the changes for review.

Global Entry Application for Name Change

On the other hand, if you are thinking that you want to change your name, then you need to visit the Global Entry Enrollment Center for the name change request. Do you need to fill out the Global Entry Application form again?

Name Change in Global Entry Card is free. That means the process, but while receiving the New Global Entry Card, you have to pay $25 for the card replacement. The process is free, but card charges are applicable.

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Name Change Global Entry Approval

The process is entirely based on the approval after reviewing your supporting document. Once you receive the approval, you can use both cards for the TSA PreCheck lines with the new ID. One of the significant advantages that people need to know about Global Entry is TSA PreCheck, through which you can get a dedicated security line and save time at all airports in the US.

Global Entry Renewal – Is it free?

How to renew Global Entry for free? This is a significant question for so many travelers because they are not interested in paying any fee. Some travel cards can change the cost of the Global Entry Enrollment for five years at the cost of $100 by giving the form of statement credit. Thus, if you have a travel card, you can avail yourself of this benefit by enrolling yourself with your friends and family members. This benefit is also depending on the card type, but you can also apply for a new card to use every 5 years.

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Wrap Up

Hence, we hope the above information is helpful for you to change names and borders, and this guide to a Global Entry Name Change allows you to complete the name change process hassle-free. Changing their names is a problematic situation for the flyers when they are not allowed to get the benefit of a Global Entry Card with their old name on their card. Therefore, they must have the same name on both cards and passports. Thus, if you are thinking of changing your name, then follow the above guide and change your name hassle-free.


1. Who is eligible for the Global Entry Renewal process?

Only existing Global Entry members are eligible to apply for the renewal process 1 year before the card expiration date.

2. Can I avail of the benefits of the Global Entry Card after the expiration date?

You can avail of the benefits if your renewal application is in process for up to 24 months after submitting the request for renewal.

3. Do I need to fill out the Global Entry Application Form for the name change?


4. Where to go for a name change on the Global Entry card?

Nearest Enrollment Center.

5. How do we proceed with the Global Entry Name Change Online?

You need to visit the official website and fill in the details, or you can also see the nearest enrollment center for the name change in the Trusted Traveler Programs System. There is no need for an appointment for the name change, but you must have supportive documents.